C P R O G R A M V E L P L C ************************* C C PROGRAM VELPL IS DESIGNED FOR THE PLOTTING OF PLANE SECTIONS C OF SLOWNESS, PHASE VELOCITY AND GROUP VELOCITY SURFACES C FOR GENERAL ANISOTROPIC MEDIA C C ************************************************************ C character*80 text C mode=0 call serv(mode,lin,lou,llu,lu1,lu2) if(mode.eq.0)call plots(ldum1,ldum2,7) if(mode.eq.0)lin=5 if(mode.eq.0)lou=6 C IRUN=0 read(lin,100)text write(lou,100)text READ(lin,107)SC,ISHIFT,IPRINT,LU if(mode.ne.0)lu=llu WRITE(lou,107)SC,ISHIFT,IPRINT,LU IF(ISHIFT.EQ.0)ISHIFT=8 SHIFT=FLOAT(ISHIFT) C xlen=10. ylen=10. call plot(xlen,ylen,-3) c 1 continue do 3 i=1,3 iplot=0 read(lu,101)itype,npar,inum if(itype.eq.0)return if(npar.eq.1)write(lou,103) if(npar.eq.2)write(lou,104) if(npar.eq.3)write(lou,105) do 2 k=1,inum read(lu,102)ddelta,xv,yv,zv v=xv*xv+yv*yv+zv*zv if(npar.le.2)then vv=1./v v=sqrt(vv) end if if(npar.eq.1)then if(k.eq.1.and.i.eq.1)vconst=vv xv=xv*vconst yv=yv*vconst zv=zv*vconst end if if(npar.eq.2)then xv=xv*vv yv=yv*vv zv=zv*vv end if if(npar.eq.3)then v=sqrt(v) end if if(iprint.ne.0)write(lou,106)ddelta,v,xv,yv,zv call symbol(xv,zv,.05,char(1),0.,-1) iplot=1 vaux=v 2 continue 3 continue call plot(shift,-yv-ylen,-3) go to 1 c 100 FORMAT(A) 101 FORMAT(16I5) 102 FORMAT(4E15.5) 103 FORMAT(5x,'ANGLE',5x,'PHVEL',8x,'PX',8x,'PY',8x,'PZ') 104 FORMAT(5x,'ANGLE',5x,'PHVEL',7x,'VPX',7x,'VPY',7x,'VPZ') 105 FORMAT(5x,'ANGLE',5x,'GRVEL',7x,'VGX',7x,'VGY',7x,'VGZ') 106 format(5f10.5) 107 format(f10.5,4i5) c 99 call plot(0.,0.,999) stop end