# History file 'len-mod.h' transforms surfaces and velocity sections # in the model with LENticular inclusion into VRML or GOCAD # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Input files required chk.pl: "data/len/" "len-mod.dat" chk.pl: "data/len/" "len-cam.dat" chk.pl: "data/len/" "len-dli1.dat" chk.pl: "data/len/" "len-dli2.dat" chk.pl: "forms/" "hsv.dat" # General settings # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Form of output file VRML='VRML2' #VRML='GOCAD' # Input data MODEL='len-mod.dat' # Temporary files (several times overwritten) VRTX='vrtx.tmp' TRGL='trgl.tmp' PLGN='plgn.tmp' # Setting of cameras (viewpoints) and lights, only VRML UP1=0 UP2=0 UP3=1 CAMERA='len-cam.dat' DLIGHT='len-dli1.dat' AMBIENT=0.00 R=0.00 G=0.00 B=0.00 # Black background # Colour properties COLORS='hsv.dat' TRANSP=0.00 SPECULAR=0.22 SHININESS=0.10 # Structural interfaces in the model # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Name of output file WRL='len-srf.wrl' # VRML #WRL='len-srf.mx' # GOCAD iniwrl: # Colours correspond to surface indices COLUMN07='ISRF' KOLSRF=7 VPER=6 VREF=1 CREF=0. # Triangulating and plotting interfaces N1=25 N2=17 N3=15 D1=2.5 D2=2.5 D3=2.5 O1=0. O2=-20. O3=-25. VRTX='len-srfv.out' TRGL='len-srft.out' modsrf: trgl: KOLUMN=7 VALUE=1 VRTXN='len-pts1.out' TRGLN='len-trg1.out' trglsort: VALUE=2 VRTXN='len-pts2.out' TRGLN='len-trg2.out' trglsort: VALUE=3 VRTXN='len-pts3.out' TRGLN='len-trg3.out' trglsort: VALUE=4 VRTXN='len-pts4.out' TRGLN='len-trg4.out' trglsort: PROPERTIES='N1 N2 N3 ISRF' # just for GOCAD NAME='Surface1' # just for GOCAD VRTX='len-pts1.out' TRGL='len-trg1.out' srfwrl: NAME='Surface2' # just for GOCAD VRTX='len-pts2.out' TRGL='len-trg2.out' srfwrl: NAME='Surface3' # just for GOCAD VRTX='len-pts3.out' TRGL='len-trg3.out' srfwrl: NAME='Surface4' # just for GOCAD VRTX='len-pts4.out' TRGL='len-trg4.out' srfwrl: # Adding model box wireframe LIN='len-bnd.out' KOLLIN=0 R=1.00 G=1.00 B=1.00 NAME='ModelBox' PROPERTIES=' ' # just for GOCAD bndlin: linwrl: # Solid P-wave velocity model # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Setting lights DLIGHT='len-dli2.dat' R=0.00 G=0.00 B=0.00 # Resetting black background # Name of output file WRL='len-vp.wrl' # VRML #WRL='len-vp.mx' # GOCAD iniwrl: # Colours correspond to P-wave velocities COLUMN07='ISRF' COLUMN08='+VP' KOLSRF=8 VPER=-6 VREF=7 CREF=0. PROPERTIES='N1 N2 N3 ISRF VP' # just for GOCAD # Triangulating individual velocity sections # Section perpendicular to X1, minimum X1 coordinate, part 1 N1=1 N2=2 N3=16 D1=1. D2=20. D3=2. O1=0. O2=0. O3=-25. NAME='Section1Min1' # just for GOCAD modsrf: trgl: srfwrl: # Section perpendicular to X1, minimum X1 coordinate, part 2 N3=2 D3=4. O2=-20. NAME='Section1Min2' # just for GOCAD modsrf: trgl: srfwrl: # Section perpendicular to X1, maximum X1 coordinate N3=16 D2=40. D3=2. O1=60. NAME='Section1Max' # just for GOCAD modsrf: trgl: srfwrl: # Section perpendicular to X1, inside model box N2=11 D2=2. O1=20. NAME='Section1Mid' # just for GOCAD modsrf: trgl: srfwrl: # Section perpendicular to X2, minimum X2 coordinate, part 1 N1=9 N2=1 D1=5. D2=20. O1=20. NAME='Section2Min1' # just for GOCAD modsrf: trgl: srfwrl: # Section perpendicular to X2, minimum X2 coordinate, part 2 N1=2 N3=2 D1=20. D3=4. O1=0. O2=-20. NAME='Section2Min2' # just for GOCAD modsrf: trgl: srfwrl: # Section perpendicular to X2, maximum X2 coordinate N1=13 N3=16 D1=5. O2=20. NAME='Section2Max' # just for GOCAD modsrf: trgl: srfwrl: # Section perpendicular to X2, inside model box N1=11 D1=2. O2=0. NAME='Section2Mid' # just for GOCAD modsrf: trgl: srfwrl: # Section perpendicular to X3, maximum X3 coordinate, part 1 N1=5 N2=2 N3=2 D1=5. D3=5. O3=-1. NAME='Section3Max1' # just for GOCAD modsrf: trgl: srfwrl: # Section perpendicular to X3, maximum X3 coordinate, part 2 N1=9 D2=40. O1=20. O2=-20. NAME='Section3Max2' # just for GOCAD modsrf: trgl: srfwrl: # Section perpendicular to X3, minimum X3 coordinate N1=2 N3=1 D1=60. O1=0. O3=-25. NAME='Section3Min1' # just for GOCAD modsrf: trgl: srfwrl: # Section perpendicular to X3, inside model box D1=20. D3=2. O3=-21. NAME='Section3Mid' # just for GOCAD modsrf: trgl: srfwrl: # 3D P-wave velocity cube (GOCAD Voxet), only GOCAD # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Name of output file WRL='len-vpv.mx' # GOCAD #iniwrl: # Grid dimensions, initial position N1=151 N2=101 N3=76 D1=0.4 D2=0.4 D3=0.4 # sparser grid # N1=301 N2=201 N3=151 D1=0.2 D2=0.2 D3=0.2 # minimum MRAM=9500000 O1=0 O2=-20 O3=-25 VEL='len-vpv.out' #grid: # Gridding velocities GRD='len-vpv.out' IN='len-vpv.bin' #ascbin: #swap: # Gridded data for GOCAD must be big-endian (workstations) # Comment the above line on big-endian computers (workstations) NAME='VelocityCube' # GOCAD object (and property) name PROPERTY='Velocity' # GOCAD property name equal to NAME NODATA=0. VPER=-6 VREF=7 CREF=0. # Colour scale #grdwrl: