# SEP history file with demo data for 2-D FD # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Input files required #chk.pl: "fd/" "modfd.dat" #chk.pl: "fd/" "fdmod.dat" #chk.pl: "fd/" "fdsrc.dat" #chk.pl: "fd/" "fdrec.dat" #chk.pl: "fd/" "snapdiv.cal" #chk.pl: "fd/" "snaprot.cal" #chk.pl: "fd/" "snap.cal" #chk.pl: "fd/" "addrec.cal" #chk.pl: "fd/" "fdmax.pl" #chk.pl: "forms/" "sep.pl" # Data specifying the model by means of the MODEL package MODEL='modfd.dat' # Alternative (old) model specification for program 'fdmod.for' FDMOD='fdmod.dat' # (this backward compatibility is included just for test purposes) # Grid dimensions, FD time steps, snapshots N1=111 N3=41 NTFD=1601 N4=321 D1=1.000 D3=1.000 DTFD=0.000860 D4=0.004300 O1=0.000 O3=0.000 O4=0.000 # Type and position of the point source SRC='fdsrc.dat' # file with the position of the point source KSIG=3 # Kuepper signal (with 2 local maxima) SIGF=3.333333 # ref. frequency of the Kuepper signal SIGA=1.1241E10 # SIGA=SQRT(27)*DEN*DX**3/DT**2, DEN=1600 # Files with receiver positions and synthetic seismograms REC='fdrec.dat' SS='fd.gse' # Form of files with effective elastic parameters and snapshots FORM='formatted' # Files with snapshots SNAP1='fd1.out' SNAP3='fd3.out' # Files with effective elastic parameters A11='a11.out' B11='b11.out' C11='c11.out' A13='a13.out' B13='b13.out' C13='c13.out' A31='a31.out' B31='b31.out' C31='c31.out' A33='a33.out' B33='b33.out' C33='c33.out' DEN='den.out' # NEWPAR=1 AA13='aa13.out' BB13='bb13.out' CC13='cc13.out' # Velocities for snapshot processing VP='vp.out' VS='vs.out' # Data to control seismogram plotting (program SP) SP1='fd1.ps' SP2=' ' SP3='fd3.ps' KODESP=1 SPCHRH=0.25 SPTMIN=0.000 SPTMAX=1.375 SPTLEN=13.75 SPTDIV=13.75 SPTSUB=2 SPXMIN=-10 SPXMAX=120 SPXLEN=13.0 SPXDIV=13 SPXSUB=1 NORMSP=1 SPAMP=0.08 # Programs to execute modfd: 'fd.h' / # gridded elastic parameters #fdmod: 'fd.h' / # just for test purposes fd2d: 'fd.h' / # FD synthetic seismograms sp: 'fd.h' / # seismogram plotting #....................................................................... # Programs to execute to prepare snapshots for plotting GRD='fd1.out' GRD1='fd11.out' GRD3='fd13.out' grdfd: 'fd.h' / GRD='fd3.out' GRD1='fd31.out' GRD3='fd33.out' grdfd: 'fd.h' / CAL='snapdiv.cal' GRD1='fd11.out' GRD2='fd33.out' GRD3='vp.out' GRD4='den.out' GRD5='fdp.out' grdcal: 'fd.h' / CAL='snaprot.cal' GRD1='fd13.out' GRD2='fd31.out' GRD3='vs.out' GRD4='den.out' GRD5='fds.out' grdcal: 'fd.h' / # Universal parameters to display snapshots UNIT='pt' YSIGN=-1 VREF=0.000 CREF=-.208333 # Colour of positive divergence is -5/24 VCIRC=6.283185 VWHITE=0.000 R=0 G=0 B=0 # Undefined values will be black # Parameters to display these snapshots SAMP=0.500 # S-wave amplification factor # 2-D equipartition law: SAMP=VS/VP # Seismic force: SAMP=(VS/VP)**1.5 VSAT=193178 VSAT4=2.000 # Colour saturation (amplitude) control # VSAT=SQRT(1600*(100/0.35)**3) N1NEW=1 N2NEW=1 N3NEW=1 GNORM=999. fdmax.pl: fd.h fdp.out fds.out fdmax.ps # Now display 'fdmax.ps' to check the values of SAMP, VSAT and VSAT4! # Denoting receivers by undefined values and making them black PTS='fdrec.dat' PTSGRD='ptsgrd.out' #ptsgrd: 'fd.h' / CAL='addrec.cal' GRD1='fdp.out' GRD2='ptsgrd.out' GRD3='fdprec.out' #grdcal: 'fd.h' / # Programs to execute to plot snapshots CAL='snap.cal' GRD1='fdprec.out' GRD2='fds.out' GRD3='fda.out' GRD4='fdn.out' #grdcal: 'fd.h' / GRD='fda.out' PS='fd000001.ps' GRDPS2='fdn.out' #grdps: 'fd.h' / # Mask for snapshot PS files and the name of the animated GIF file SNAPS='fd00*.ps' MOVIE='fd.gif' # Conversion of PS files to animated GIF (special software needed) #fdpcx.pl: fd.h # conversion to PCX #fdgiflux.pl: fd.h # conversion to GIF (Linux) #fdgifdos.pl: fd.h # conversion to GIF (MS-DOS)