Subroutine package NR (few selected routines of Numerical Recipes)


These subroutines belong to the Numerical Recipes. The user who wish to use these subroutines should have his own licence to use the Numerical Recipes Fortran library.

The subroutines collected here are referred by several subroutines of the FORMS, D3 and CRT packages. Since some subroutines of the Numerical Recipes are different in different versions of the Numerical Recipes, it is inevitable to present the referred subroutines of the Numerical Recipes in this package in order to show the subroutines with which the code of packages FORMS, D3 and CRT has been debugged and demonstration examples have been calculated. Such a presentation of the subroutines, hopefully, means only a negligible violation of the copyrights.

Subroutine package NR consists of the following FORTRAN77 source code files:

Used in programs crtpts.for and green.for of package CRT.
Used in program grdran2d.for of package FORMS.
Optionally replacing ran3.for in program grdran2d.for of package FORMS.
Used in program grdran2d.for of package FORMS.

Released versions:

5.10 (1997, September):
        'indexx.for': Moved from package MODEL, used in CRT.
        *** new ***
        'fourn.for', 'ran2.for', 'ran3.for': Used in FORMS.